Brilliant Thinking.

Did you know...

Australia's largest reproductive genetic carrier screening trial is named for Mackenzie Castella, whose passing inspired her parents to campaign for change.

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Summer Camp Festival.

The opportunity

To create an out-of-the-box website for a new touring music festival, showcasing more than 200 LGBT artists across Australia. After almost two years of no live music events, this was an opportunity to bring one back with a bang.

Brilliant thinking

Our designers and developers worked with the team at entertainment company Heaps Gay, incorporating their vibrant moving images (GIFS) and animation to bring the website to life.

The solution

Bright colours and moving images convey fun, frivolity and a festival feel in a responsive design that works across desktop and mobile, with accessibility features ensuring true equitability.

The impact

A rainbow of colour, the website is an attention-grabbing asset for a festival to have in place not only to sell tickets and promote artists, but as a key landing point for an event that has been attracting great media attention.
