Brilliant Thinking.

Did you know...

Shapes, Saladas and Chocolate Ripples were all invented by the same visionary Australian biscuit genius.

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New School Website.

Established in 1897 St Columba’s College, Essendon is a year 7-12 catholic girls secondary College. Blueboat began working with the College to deliver a complete rebrand and new visual identity, followed by digital marketing campaigns and magazine design and publishing over the past two years.  During the 2020 pandemic restrictions, Blueboat was invited to reconsider the School’s website.

Our website solution now delivers a new experience-driven content delivery. The design embraces a digital expression of the College’s brand, while staying true to the important heritage and established values at the College’s core. The designs flowing curves and bold typography give the website a strong, empowered feminine feel, with contrasting colours providing confidence and stability. While the website’s scalable architecture seamlessly integrates with the College’s existing systems and processes, embedding functionality that engages the diverse community.

St Columba’s College now has a contemporary, engaging and useable online presence for their current staff, students, parents, and Alumnae to be proud of, which also warmly invites potential new families to learn more, explore and engage with the College.
