Brilliant Thinking.

Did you know...

The first Rainbow Flag was designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker from San Francisco to serve as a community symbol.

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Empowering hope and inspiring progress.

The Australian Leukodystrophy Clinical and Research Program extends support to individuals and families affected by leukodystrophies and related brain white matter conditions. Stemming from Massimo’s Mission and the legacy of Massimo Damiani, this program unites local and international expertise.

The Blueboat creatives designed a brand style and logo that resonate with the program’s significance, blending serene, empathetic, and optimistic tones. Our website adeptly presents intricate information through illustrative design, offering a clear hierarchy for visitors—be it patients, families, researchers, or healthcare providers.

This collaborative initiative among Australian medical research institutes, hospitals, and universities offers hope to parents and families affected by leukodystrophies.
