Brilliant Thinking.

Did you know...

Shapes, Saladas and Chocolate Ripples were all invented by the same visionary Australian biscuit genius.

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Sub-brand evolution.

Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) identified four key initiatives to advance their important bi-lateral relations work. The strategic design challenge for Blueboat was to consider a brand for each initiative, which can sit as a suite and stand alone.

‘PAIR’ brand design focuses on the connection of people and place, reflecting relationships and symbolism for past, present and future. ‘Skills Futures’ celebrates opportunity utilising the visual ideology of molecular biology as a metaphor for diversity and skill. The ‘Digital Economy’ brandmark incorporates an up-standing triangle, representing new opportunities within the relationship between Australia and Indonesia.

The final brandmark in the suite was for Australia.Indonesia.com, a contemporary motif complementing the master brand. An amazing Blueboat brand challenge that advances bi-lateral links between our two countries.
