Brilliant Thinking.

Did you know...

The first Rainbow Flag was designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker from San Francisco to serve as a community symbol.

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Mental Health Awareness Rebrand.

Established in 2008 the Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation (TJMF) has been at the forefront of building greater mental health awareness across the Australian legal community. After ten years of tireless work the Foundation founders are stepping down, creating a catalyst for a re-brand.

Blueboat consulted with the Board to explore strategic opportunities for a new brand name and visual identity. The Blueboat team designed Minds Count Foundation’s new brand name, visual identity, brand mark and collateral suite now rightly reflects a tone and identity that will drive the Foundation’s aspirations; continuing to make a difference to the mental health of all in the legal community, whilst honouring the memory of Tristan Jepson, with guidelines names after him in perpetuity.
