Brilliant Thinking.

Did you know...

Australian Aboriginal rock art is the oldest unbroken tradition of art in the world, and often depics native animals including dingoes, kangaroos, emus and turtles.

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School website showcase.

Following Blueboat’s brand refresh, a captivating digital user experience became imperative to celebrate the compelling ‘This is Rosebank’ story for prospective families.

Our custom-built school website boasts a contemporary and immersive user interface, coupled with an easily manageable backend and SEO optimisation. Intentionally integrating our brand refresh, the website emphasises information hierarchies, guiding users and spotlighting the distinct Rosebank identity.

The stylised graphical interface and bespoke interactions experiences entice exploration, offering a glimpse into Rosebank’s offer pre-visit. Crucially, the website positions Rosebank uniquely amongst competitor schools.
