Brilliant Thinking.

Did you know...

Shapes, Saladas and Chocolate Ripples were all invented by the same visionary Australian biscuit genius.

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Realise Event Experience.

After a successful private phase of capital campaign engagement, Cranbrook were ready to take the Realise campaign to their broader community to offer everyone the opportunity to be involved.

To highlight this milestone phase a launch Gala Event was held. Excitingly, this gave us the chance to bring Realise to an event. Blueboat creatives, working with the event planning team, designed event material from entrance photography, projections, stage signage, to table placeholders and event program.

Anecdotal reports suggest a brilliant time was had by all. The Realise comprehensive capital campaign has now successfully delivered substantial philanthropic gifts for the School’s senior school building masterplan, allowing Cranbrook to explore a rate of campus renewal not otherwise possible without the generosity of the whole School community.
